pixeldetracking’s avatarpixeldetracking’s Twitter Archive—№ 7,868

      1. The "Privacy" Sandbox & the "end" of 3rd-party cookies 🤔 "As part of the work on First-Party Sets, Chrome is implementing and extending the Storage Access API allowing a site to request access to their cookies in a third-party context" 😈 @ericlaw/1653931704514494465
    1. …in reply to @pixeldetracking
      Open bar for publishers cooperatives (multiple publishers belonging to different organizations, sharing your data) 😜 Self-declare the sets, Google lax approach will let you do whatever you want (and adtech people are imaginative) github.com/GoogleChrome/first-party-sets/blob/main/FPS-Submission_Guidelines.md#set-formation-requirements 👏
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @pixeldetracking
    First-Party Sets: Tearing Down Privacy Defenses Just as They're Being Built brave.com/web-standards-at-brave/8-first-party-sets/ 👀
    1. …in reply to @pixeldetracking
      "We have decided to drop First-Party Sets as a Work Item in the group... with regards to the concerns about the privacy properties of First-Party Sets that were raised in issue 88" 🤔 lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-privacycg/2022Jun/0003.html
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @pixeldetracking
        A privacy harming feature, rejected by most browser vendors, rejected from the W3C and... now shipped in Chrome as part of the "Privacy" Sandbox lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-privacycg/2022Jun/0003.html 🚀
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API