How far could adtech go to recognise you? Quite far actually... A little example with the ID5 company (for the pun, in french, 5 is pronounced "cinq", same as the english "sync") 🤔 From their github page github.com/id5io/id5-api.js 👀 1/
The 'deterministic link' is interesting, the 'link' is provided by ID5 clients (aka websites) and called "Partner Data" support.id5.io/portal/en/kb/articles/passing-partner-data-to-id5#What_is_Partner_Data 🧐 3/
I didn't document the leaks to ID5 in this thread cause their identifier is far more complex @pixeldetracking/1602794635910340609 And ID5 is included in many websites (including french ones, due to ID5 french roots) 😱 Other adtech providers also have their own ID (Criteo...) 🤡 8/
Little flashback @kfranasz/1512248288606572574?s=20 🤦 9/
Protecting you from being recognised across different context? "it also poses a challenge. Many players currently rely on these signals for cross-domain and cross-device reconciliation" support.id5.io/portal/en/kb/articles/signal-obfuscation-how-publishers-can-future-proof-their-addressability-strategy#How_Publishers_Can_Future-Proof_their_Addressability_Strategy 🤮 10/
By the way, what is ID5 CEO stance on fingerprinting? Well, it's interesting... Fingerprinting is not OK, except for publishers adexchanger.com/the-sell-sider/when-cookies-go-away-is-there-life-beyond-the-login/ 👌 14/
The 'deterministic link' in practice? After registration on allocine.fr, you will see the new 'pd' (partner data) parameter sent to ID5. A basic base64 decode (emn178.github.io/online-tools/base64_decode.html) to see the hash SHA256 of your email (parameter 1, and only parameter here) 🧐 15/