pixeldetracking’s avatarpixeldetracking’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,080

    1. "The fact that I am still getting tracked and targeted is problematic. The fact that I don't know why, or by whom - even as a 15-year veteran of ad tech - is unbelievable." Brian est un des inventeurs du RTB, difficile de trouver quelqu'un qui connait mieux l'adtech... 1/ @bokelley/1405568632244125697
  1. …in reply to @pixeldetracking
    "Anyone who thinks that Chrome turning off third-party cookies is going to fix this problem is naive. Ad tech solutions aren't going to solve ad tech problems." Les solutions doivent venir des régulateurs 2/
    1. …in reply to @pixeldetracking
      "Twitter didn't show up on that list of approved third-parties for cookie purposes. This probably means that LiveRamp matched my cookie to PII, then matched that to Twitter's PII, allowing Merck to target me on Twitter. " La surveillance d'aujourd'hui, une boite noire 3/
      1. …in reply to @pixeldetracking
        La vidéo "Scrolling through the Keytruda privacy policy" est de toute beauté this is stalking us, [...] stalking, [...] cross-device stalking, [...] oh i'm responsible for this one (AppNexus), hey that's my daughter name (one of the cookies) [...] bokonads.com/medical-targeting-should-be-illegal/ 4/