pixeldetracking’s avatarpixeldetracking’s Twitter Archive

Most Recent 40 Tweets

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  1. Twitter, j'aimerais conserver et publier ailleurs une liste de mes threads favoris, que ces threads restent en ligne même lorsque je ferme mon compte, connaissez-vous un moyen simple de le faire ? L'autre option serait de laisser mon compte inactif
  2. Avec Elon Musk, Twitter est en train de sombrer, le temps de récupérer mes archives et je ferme mon compte. Vous pourrez me retrouver (moins régulièrement) sur Mastodon framapiaf.org/@pixeldetracking 👋
  3. Perfect timing to delete my Twitter account and never use again this shitty App, owned by an egocentric, megalomaniac fascist @elonmusk/1682964919325724673
  4. One more GDPR violation for Meta, this time WhatsApp… See how the painful right to object for behavioral targeting on Facebook and Instagram is already deemed illegal by the Norvegian DPA datatilsynet.no/contentassets/36ad4a92100943439df9a8a3a7015c19/urgent-and-provisional-measures--meta_redacted.pdf ⤵️ @PrivacyMatters/1681658428068974592
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. Et le formulaire d’opt-out WhatsApp (bien caché) est ici whatsapp.com/contact/forms/382532939919295/ 👀 @PrivacyMatters/1681196728848883712
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. “The LfD also found that the user’s consent was not informed, specific or freely given.” 🧐 In France, most publishers have moved to “Pay or Okay”, consent is never specific… 💩 … Will @CNIL finally wake up and decide to apply its rules? cnil.fr/fr/cookies-et-autres-traceurs/regles/cookie-walls/la-cnil-publie-des-premiers-criteres-devaluation 🤔 @NOYBeu/1679759724873408512
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  7. Meta exploits both personal data and… copyrighted material 👏 @PrivacyMatters/1681373461824798733
  8. We @amnesty are also using @Meta's invasive pixel on our website, along with other trackers like Google Analytics, LinkedIn, Twitter, Microsoft, Criteo, Teads... 🤡 ... so that Meta & co know everything you read and better profile you #hyprocrisy 😉 1/ @AmnestyTech/1681259225375227904
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  9. 3 perspectives différentes pour notre futur, selon nos choix… @valmasdel/1680566138499899394
  10. « But in the case of Brave, not only are they disregarding the license - they're also charging money for the data and then giving third parties "rights" to that data. » stackdiary.com/brave-selling-copyrighted-data-for-ai-training/ 🤦
  11. Google Bard : « Vos conversations pourront être relues par des humains, elles seront alors conservées jusqu’à 3 ans, vous ne pouvez pas désactiver cette potentielle relecture donc ne partagez pas d’informations confidentielles » 😈
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  12. La double peine 🔫
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  13. Privacy Sandbox : ePrivacy s’applique (consentement obligatoire) 👍 @ANderagakura/1679135419521286144
  14. Dormez tranquille, la CNIL vous protège 🤔 @CNIL/1678416446899077122
  15. How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse) ploum.net/2023-06-23-how-to-kill-decentralised-networks.html
  16. “Threads falls under the larger privacy policy covering Meta’s other social media platforms.” wired.com/story/meta-twitter-threads-bluesky-spill-hive-mastodon-privacy-comparison/ 😈
  17. How to Blow Up a Timeline, a superb essay on Twitter demise eugenewei.com/blog/2023/7/6/how-to-blow-up-a-timeline
  18. What to know about Threads #Mastodon #ActivityPub blog.joinmastodon.org/2023/07/what-to-know-about-threads/
  19. “With Advanced Data Protection enabled, your backups and most important files get that end-to-end encryption benefit, better securing your files against mass surveillance, rogue Apple employees, or potential data leaks” ⤵️ @EFF/1676361408555130880
  20. « The new Threads platform is designed to import data from Instagram, including behavioural and advertising information. » Something illegal according to the @CourUEPresse 👀 @parismarx/1676361097555714049
  21. "L’opérateur a depuis lors corrigé une partie des manquements sanctionnés." 😬 Et pourquoi pas l'intégralité des manquements sanctionnés ? 🤔 2 millions d'euros pour Google : pas cher payé pour continuer de bafouer nos lois... 😈 @dgccrf/1676149753686507520
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  22. Je pense qu'il y a un problème d'interprétation chez @NOYBeu, la CJUE traite seulement de la base légale pour du "tracking" (exemple: utiliser mes données Facebook, ou de sites tiers pour de la publicité personnalisée sur Instagram). => Seul le consentement est valable 1/2 @NOYBeu/1676140191226970114
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  23. Yet another privacy nightmare (Twitter clone), by Facebook 👀
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  24. Merci la publicité 👏
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  25. Where is the reject button? 🤔 @pbannist/1674439662918684673
  26. L’indépendance des médias en France, illustration
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  27. Perhaps the biggest video ads scam in history, by Google 😈 Incredible report by @AdalyticsHQ adalytics.io/blog/invalid-google-video-partner-trueview-ads 👏
  28. « About 80% of Google’s video-ad placements on third-party sites violated promised standards » wsj.com/articles/google-violated-its-standards-in-ad-deals-research-finds-3e24e041?mod=djemalertNEWS 😈
  29. Google Analytics 4 is also compatible with IE6 🔥 @googleanalytics/1673697311891812354
  30. Le partage de vos données personnelles entre enseignes et médias est un gros business (utilisez des alias d’email si vous souhaitez éviter le tracking) @niko_jaimes/1669343976825171969
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  31. When it’s about privacy, Google is always delaying features 💩 @ChromiumDev/1669343768292786178
  32. More audience segments, less privacy 💩 @SimonJHarris/1669360793828352000
  33. « Je pense que la sanction devrait être plus légère pour une entreprise qui a pris le temps de pseudonymiser sa base de données » mntd.fr/privacy/nicolas-rieul-alliance-digitale-rgpd-reviser-755874 🤔 @CNIL/1671766522862215168
  34. La décevante sanction de la CNIL contre Criteo (4 ans après la plainte !), une très bonne analyse ⤵️ @mikarv/1671753442497372160